About Me

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I am a student studying Broadcast Journalism and I seriously couldn't enjoy it more. Music is my life and my ambition is to do something where it involves my beloved obsession. Music Journalism is my goal but I want to involve radio and presenting as an added extra.

Friday 25 June 2010

Welcome to my new Blog.

With this I shall be giving my thoughts and opinions on any gigs and bands I may see and also whats going on in the music news. Its not just following one genre of music either...I am broadening my horizons and branching out into absolutely everything!

There is a point to me doing this as I'm using it to help me with my Uni course and get me in practise for writing. I want to become a music journalist of some sort....so please help by following me as I would be highly grateful.

Thank you you lovely people!

Much love, Rach x